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Santa Maria in Trastevere

Churches of Rome



Santa Maria in TrastevereSaint Mary in Trastevere

The church preserved its basilical plan of XIIth century.
It was founded on the ruins of the Christian basilica of IIth century, perhaps oldest of Rome.

The frontage presents a mosaic of the Virgin at the Child, surrounded of holy. At the interior, the mosaics of the church are the chef-d'oeuvre of the church.
saint mary in trastevereOne still smells the Byzantine influence, stiffness and hieratism, in these pavements which detail scenes of the Gospel. The mosaics of the lower register are of Pietro Cavallini (1250-1340). They tell in a very fine style of the scenes of the life of the Virgin.

In front of the church, the marble candelabrum indicates the site of the source of oil which would have spouted out there the day of the birth of Christ.


Photos Saint-Mary in Trastevere


église sainte marie en trastevere à rome église sainte marie en trastevere à rome église sainte marie en trastevere à rome

église sainte marie en trastevere à rome église sainte marie en trastevere à rome

église sainte marie en trastevere à romeéglise sainte marie en trastevere à romeéglise sainte marie en trastevere à rome


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